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Sources: CBS Cancels CSI: Miami, Renews CSI: NY

It looks like the case of CSI: Miami... (David Caruso removes glasses here) .. is coming to an end after 10 seasons.

Insiders tell TV Guide Magazine that CBS will announce this week that Miami, the second in the CSI franchise, has been canceled — but that the original and NY versions are safe. The move is not a huge surprise; CBS almost canceled one of the shows last year as well, but the two CSI spinoffs earned a last-minute reprieve.

Not this year. CBS has an embarrassment of riches on its schedule, and could afford to let one of the CSIs go, even though they still perform well for the network. At 10 seasons, CSI: Miami is an expensive show to produce, and ...

上個星期在Deadline網站就看到相關新聞,當時新聞中提到CBS已經在考慮NY與Miami兩者之中擇一砍掉,新聞中就提到NY的製作費比較低,已經有點在暗示NY獲得續訂的機率較高;當時的新聞還提到飾演Horatio的David Caruso,有近10年的時間處於沒有簽經紀公司的狀態,最近才又簽了新的經紀公司,本來以為Miami有可能在經紀公司運作下獲得續訂。不過,講老實話,CSI三個系列之中,Miami是愈看愈噁心,裡面的案子是還可以,主要是那批人,尤其是Horatio,實在是很矯揉造作,之前的那個黑人女法醫也是演得很過火,至於那位金髮女主角,我比較喜歡看她在白宮風雲中客串的戲。總之,Miami被停掉我是一點都不感覺可惜。
舊 2012-05-14, 11:34 AM #19