
加入日期: May 2002
文章: 875
話別講得太武斷 , 有時候從事研究者會搞到見樹不見林 . 這沒什麼稀奇 .
其實只要有利可圖 , 人人都可以是專家 . 無利可圖的話還是繼續當睡覺專家好了 .

發明這玩意的人就不是砲校/後勤出身的槍械專家 .

這傢伙也不是啥受過傳統軍校教育出身的槍械專家 . 不過他發明的槍 , 大概實戰過的軍人都認得 .
Kalashnikov, who started as a self-taught-inventor, ascended to the prominent position of General Designer of small arms for the Soviet Army. In his design engineering department, Hugo Schmeisser and Dr. Gruner (MG 42), a pioneer in the area of the sheet metal embossing technology, worked into the 1950s. In addition, a number of German laborers were enlisted or coerced to work in the USSR under the technical designer.

Later in his career he developed a squad automatic weapon variant of the AK-47, known as the RPK (Ruchnoi pulemyot Kalashnikova - Kalashnikov's light machine gun), and also the PK (Pulemyot Kalashnikova - Kalashnikov's machine gun), which used a much larger cartridge (the same full-powered rifle cartridge as employed in the Mosin-Nagant rifle). The cartridge was belt-fed rather than magazine-fed. In other respects, it was nearly the same design. These designs both saw widespread adoption in their respective roles, though the AK-47 still served as the primary infantry weapon.

食神名言 : [只要有心 , 人人都可以是食神 .]
舊 2006-10-13, 07:09 AM #43